2018年7月16日、科学技術振興機構(JST)と台湾科学技術部(MOST)の研究助成により、台湾国立中山大学のChun-I Fan研究室教授・大学院生を迎え、明治大学駿河台キャンパス菊池研究室にて第5回ワークショップが開催される予定である。IoTセキュリティ分野の研究の促進と参加者相互の交流を目的とし、下記の通り、東京医科歯科大学の三林浩二教授による招待講演及び、当プロジェクトに参加している研究員・大学院生による研究発表が行われる。詳しい情報は日程をご参照ください。

由日本科學技術振興機構及臺灣科學技術部共同協贊的第五屆IoT信息安全學術研討會將於2018年7月16日于明治大學駿河臺校區菊池研究室舉辦。臺灣國立中山大學范俊逸教授研究室一行將蒞臨本校,就信息安全技術進行學術研討交流。 另外,此研討會將邀請東京醫科齒科大學三林浩二教授就生物傳感器進行演講。本項目研究人員及日臺雙方碩博研究生亦將發表演說。關于詳情,敬請參照研討會日程。

The 5th workshop "Secure IoT-Based Information Platform with Privacy-Preserving Data Mining on Big Data for M-Healthcare", supported by Japan Science and Technology Agency and Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C, will be held on 16th July, 2018. This workshop is held mainly by Prof. Hiroaki KIKUCHI Lab in Surugadai Campus, Meiji University, Japan and Prof. Chun-I Fan Lab in National Sun-Yat Sen Univeristy, Taiwan, with the purpose to promote the research on IoT security. An invitation talk will be given by Prof. Kohji MITSUBAYASHI from Tokyo Medical and Dental University. Project members, including researchers and graduate students are going to give presentations on this filed. Please refer to the program for more information.


The PDF version of program is available here.

10:00 Opening
Prof.Chun-I Fan and Prof. Kikuchi

10:10~11:20 Session 1: Taiwan “Cloud Security”, chair: Prof. Chun-I Fan

(1) “Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption and Its Applications to Searchable Encryption” --Mr. Yi-Fan Tseng
(2) “Secure Data Outsourcing Scheme Supporting Fast Recovery” --Mr. Jheng-Jia Huang
(3) “Secure File Transfer Protocol Based on Homomorphic Re-Encryption for Named Data Networks”--Ms. Hsiang-Shian Fan

11:30--12:00 Invited Talk

“Cavitas biosensors for IoT health care & preventive medicine”,
Prof. Kohji Mitsubayashi (Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University)

12:30-14:00 Lunch

Lunch box & Campus Tour [Museum & Liberty Tower (Guide: Mr. Michihiro Yamada)]

14:00 - 14:30 Guest Talk, chair: Prof. Chun-I Fan

(4) Local Differentially Private Data Aggregation in Crowdsourcing with Federated Learning --Prof. Chia-Mu Yu

14:40 - 15:40 Session 3: Japan (Prof. Saito’s laboratory), chair: Ms. Xuping Huang

(5) On Estimating Platforms of Web User with JavaScript Math Object-- Mr. Takafumi Noda
(6) Safe Trans Loader: Mitigation and Prevention of Memory Corruption Attacks for Released Binaries-- Mr. Masahiro Yokoyama
16:00-17:00 Session 4: Japan (PhD. Candidate), chair: Prof. Hiroaki Kikuchi

(7) Privacy Preserved Data Analysis for IoT mHealthcare based on Differential Privacy in Spectral Frequency Domain-- Ms. Xuping Huang
(8) Risk of Bitcoin Address to be Identified from Feature of Output Addresses-- Mr. Kodai Nagata
(9) Impact Assessment of Password Reset MitM attack with Two-factor Authentication-- Mr. Kota Sasa
(10) Risk of Re-identification from Payment Card Histories in Multiple Domains-- Mr. Satoshi Ito
(20 minutes for presentation and 20 minutes for Q&A)



Direction: 1-1 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8301
Venue: Meiji University, Surugadai Campus, Academy Common 308E (8F)

・3 minutes on foot from JR Chuo/Sobu Line and Subway Marunouchi Line, Ochanomizu Station
・5 minutes on foot from Subway Chiyoda Line, Shin-Ochanomizu Station
・5 minutes on foot from Subway Mita, Shinjuku, and Hanzomon Lines, Jimbocho Station
More information for ACCESS


Prof. Hiroaki KIKUCHI: kikn(at)meiji.ac.jp
Xuping HUANG: huang_xp(at)meiji.ac.jp